Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Wow! One of my owners, the youngest one, decided to start a blog for Stella! This is such exciting news that I have to share it with you. Here is the URL:

Sunday, May 9, 2010

I have been gone for a while which can be attributed to the fact that my owners have had a very tough spring. Stella and I have however thrived and realized that it's a good life here in our new home. We have lived here almost a year and it has taken a while getting used to the coming and going of the humans in our family. They tend to be very busy and Stella and I have to settle for playing with each other during the daytime and with our owners mostly in the evenings and on weekends. The addition of a pool and deck in the backyard has however made a world of difference. We were stuck inside during construction and that was tough but now we can roam around in the backyard, get in and out of the pool on our own, wrestle on the deck... This is the life! Our owners had to add a new fence to prevent us from climbing the back wall in a particular spot (it is complicated to explain but the back wall is not the same height everywhere and this made it possible for us to climb it and end up on a busy street...). Now we feel completely safe again.
Of course there is still time to snooze which is why I am posting this picture!